Saying For Today: When becoming returns into Being, Being knows itself as Being through you apart from becoming, even as It knew you in becoming.
An Interspiritual-Interfaith Work of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi
All is Welcome Here
Living in Love beyond Beliefs
*La Rose, J'åÐörê QåTår ²º¹º[(--)]ZZzzz.., Flickr
We loosely talk of Self-realization, for lack of a better term. But how can one realize or make real that which alone is real? All we need to do is to give up our habit of regarding as real that which is unreal. All religious practices are meant solely to help us do this. When we stop regarding the unreal as real, then reality alone will remain, and we will be that.
*Ramana Maharishi
To the Self ~ the boundless, timeless Essence you are as Its creative, particularized expression ~ there are no states of consciousness, or evolution of consciousness. This Self, or you, has no need to grow spiritually. What does the Sun need to do to become the Sun, since it is already the Sun? How could God become God? How could you evolve into you? The thought that you are not you yet but must become you, is a thought separate from you-as-Essence, yet arising from Essence-as-you. This thought is an expression of your Self, as all things become from a Source in which the relatively false exists as one in the absolute One. That is, even falsehood depends on prior Truth and witnesses to Truth, while Truth witnesses to Itself and its constancy relies on Itself. So, the thought that you must become you or a better you or a more spiritual you is an expression of you, therefore the Essence, projected into the future. Withdraw the thought of becoming and rest in what Is, now, always, which is to say, rest in your Self. This is timeless, thus deathless, thus Eternal. This is spaceless, thus boundless, or Infinite. Then, there is no spiritual practice to get anything or become anything that needs to be added to you, including a state of consciousness. When becoming returns into Being, Being knows itself as Being through you apart from becoming, even as It knew you in becoming. Consciousness is consciousness, not an accumulation of states of consciousness or stages of spiritual growth. You cannot be an accumulation or consequence. So, stop seeking, which projects you away from what you are and are seeking; meaning, thought ~ for mind is thought ~ projects you away from your Self into a fiction of your Self, and this registers in the body as separation and easily becomes a felt-desperation. See how simple this truly is, how there is nothing to seek. Yet, the ego, as a social construction of mentality (thus, beliefs, largely unexamined), leaves the thought that the difficult is easy and the easy is difficult. You have never left Home, and those who do not know that have taught you that you need to return Home. If they were consciously Home, they would not have taught you this. See this, and all seeking stops, and you have blissful, restful, inner Quietude amidst activity. You find a relief from trying to be spiritual or holy or enlightened, anything, as though you could find peace in becoming other than your Self, which is nothing other than you, or your self. Finally, you cannot become your Self for the very reason you cannot unbecome your Self. And you cannot be your Self for the same reason you cannot unbe your Self.
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For a reason you are called a human being, not a human doing.